What range of services does a law firm offer?

Typically, most people associate the law firm with the attorney who defends the client in a divorce or criminal case. Meanwhile, the scope of legal office services is very wide and it is worth knowing when and in what cases it is worth using them.

Ignorance of the law is harmful

Ignorantia iuris nocet – Latin. This old Roman maxim says that not knowing the law does not exempt you from obeying it and from the consequences of not obeying it. Each person who lives in a specific community is obliged to adapt to the established social and legal rules.

What are legal services?

It is a whole range of activities and activities that are to fulfill many different tasks:

1. Protection against making a legal error

Few people apart from lawyers know how to navigate the maze of complicated regulations. An additional difficulty is the legal language in which laws, resolutions, regulations and recommendations are written. The very differentiation of them is a huge problem.

The legal service is offered by a lawyer who, knowing the detailed scope of activities, is able to prevent his client from falling into error, which may result in financial or criminal consequences.

It is worth using a legal service, for example when:

  • signing a purchase and sale contract for real estate or valuable items
  • granting and collecting a loan
  • division of property and inheritance
  • creating a will
  • signing large financial contracts
  • preparing for divorce cases
  • signing wedding intercourse
  • setting up a company
  • liquidation of the company
  • in tax matters

2. Legal assistance in criminal matters

When a crime occurs, both the victim and the offender have the right to legal aid. The victim will know what compensation they can claim, the offender will get help to enable the penalty to be reduced.

3. Legal assistance in civil matters

The scope of legal services also in civil matters is very wide. The skills of a lawyer can lead to a situation where the parties to a dispute can reach an agreement without pursuing their rights in court or, for example in divorce cases, a hearing will be a formality and property matters negotiated and signed in advance with a notary. This saves a lot of time and money.

The lawyer may represent the client in court (legal representation). It is also possible to take advantage of legal assistance in the field of legal procedures (procedure, relevant addressees of legal letters) and understanding of judicial issues.

When is it worth hiring a lawyer?

Legal services include both a comprehensive service (writing pleadings, representation in court, negotiating and creating contracts), as well as partial, e.g. in the field of a single letter or representation.

There are people who permanently benefit from legal protection, especially those who conduct extensive business activities. Most people engage a lawyer for one activity, which can be very broad (dissolution of the marriage with division of property, custody of the children and alimony).

Many people use the so-called single legal advice, in which he expects advice on the course of action or necessary legal and administrative actions. As part of this service, the lawyer will also outline the client’s legal position and indicate the appropriate institutions in which specific actions should be taken.

What is the price of legal services?

There is no specific price list for legal services. A single advice is a minimum of PLN 100 for an hour-long meeting with a lawyer as part of one advice. Much depends on the complexity of the service, the level of difficulty, the degree of confusion of the legal problem, but also the position of the lawyer’s professional position and legal services. Lawyers in large cities earn the most, especially those hired for complicated financial and property matters. Financial and business corporations create their own legal structures.

The costs of hiring a lawyer for large and complex divorce cases are also a lot of expenses. Sometimes the lawyer “in the price” of the contract places representation in court and property negotiations, sometimes he charges for these services additionally. Costs may be higher if the activities require travel and accommodation. Tens of thousands of zlotys for a difficult divorce case is not a rare amount. However, it should be remembered that such matters take years, and there are a lot of documents to be prepared and analyzed.

Notary – necessary to sign material contracts

Some legal actions require an obligatory notarial deed, in many it is worth securing yourself with such a deed. A notarial deed is necessary when preparing:

      • real estate purchase – sale, exchange and donation contracts
      • perpetual usufruct rights
      • property of the premises
      • matrimonial property agreements

Notary services are the only ones that are subject to a statutory fee, the so-called notary fee. Its amount depends on the type of contract and the financial value of the subject of the contract. Despite the fact that legal services are not cheap, it is worth using them in order not to be punished in the future for ignorance of the law.